Today is Patrick’s 28th birthday. At the piano bar we focus so much on celebrating guests’ birthdays that we tend to get lazy about our own. This year, being lazy is really our only option.
The title for this song came from this brilliant, best-selling birthday card created by one of my Facebook friends. I chuckled to myself about it in the shower as I tried to think of something special I could do for Patrick that wouldn’t require spending any money or leaving the house. Then I spent about 20mins trying to learn the birthday song Emma McGann wrote as part of her self-isolation 10 Songs Challenge – but Emma’s a much better guitar player than I am. So I gave up, took my guitar outside to the back porch, and wrote my own song while Patrick napped.
I recorded this last weekend while Patrick went to the grocery store. Whenever I record guitar I’m reminded of all the things I still have to learn and practice. Patrick wound up getting stuck in traffic, so I had enough time to do a few takes. Then today, when he was in the other room working on his brand new podcast, I secretly filmed one of the cupcakes and threw a lyric video together.
If someone you love is celebrating a birthday during this weird time, I encourage you to make this song your own and sing it for them. Here’s a lead sheet to help you learn it. Swap out my nouns and change up the rhyme scheme as needed. Make it funny or sweet. I hope it makes them smile. KM
Sorry About Your Birthday
I’m sorry about your birthday
That we can’t go out
The bars are all closed
and the stock market’s down
I’m sorry about your birthday
That you’re stuck at home
Binge-watching Netflix
and scrolling Twitter on your phone
So I ordered in from Olive Garden
Let’s have a party just for two
‘Cause I’m glad to be quarantined with you
I’m sorry about your birthday
I know it’s been so long
And Lord knows I’m annoying
With my live streams and cat songs
So I took a break and made you cupcakes
Make a wish, ’cause mine came true
I’m glad to be quarantined with you
I’m so glad to be quarantined with you