Drifting down to earth from a rose-coloured Valentine’s cloud, watching the frosty skeletons of trees dance by as my train skates home from New York City, it seems impossible to not write about this song.
But since its half-finished demo session and raw scribbles are scattered in pieces around my apartment still three hours ahead of me down the tracks, I’ll wait. For now, I’ll share a few haiku that have been born out of the same theme; one I hope to keep writing on for some time. KM
#1 – 23 July 2016
A chiming echo
Captured by wistful whispers
This is how I know
#2 – 15 August 2016
Stars stinging my eyes
Streaming promises and fear
This is how I know
#3 – 8 September 2016
Feverish flames grow
From spark to burn to blush
This is how I know
#4 – 15 October 2016
Sleeping with sunlight
Prayers shimmering like prisms
This is how I know
#5 – Yesterday morning
Sleep on seams of dreams
Hands and plans interwoven
This is how I know